
Audiobooks Now is a subsidiary of Booksfree, an online book rental company. While Booksfree sends members physical copies of rented books, Audiobooks Now allows users to purchase audiobooks.The service was launched in 2012 with the main goal of offering a convenient way to access audiobooks.

Currently, it houses approximately 160,000 books available worldwide. Compared to and other competitors, this doesn’t look like much, but it’s a good pick. Additionally, our Audiobooks Now review revealed that the site offers audiobooks that you can’t find on other sites.

AudiobooksNow is the premier service for downloading and streaming audiobooks. Users can stream or download audiobook purchases from our website, or download them to our free Apple or Android apps. With our innovative Club Pricing Plan, users can save 50% off their first audiobook purchase and 35-40% off each additional purchase each month 30 Day Free Trial. Or, simply purchase your audiobooks at our everyday low price (no plan required).

Developed by, the leading online book and audiobook rental service, the AudiobooksNow digital audiobook download and streaming service is the latest addition to the BookLender community of services aimed at delivering reading and listening material in the most convenient and cost effective way to both avid and casual readers/listeners.

In addition to having a wide selection of audiobooks available, Audiobooks Now also offers many ways to save, thanks to its innovative pricing system. You can stream the audiobooks directly from the website or download them to the free app for Android, iOS, and Nook.

Audiobooks Now offers 160,000 titles with complete information about each audiobook. You can see the author’s name, the narrator’s name, the genre, the duration, the publication date and the complete synopsis. Plus, regular and club prices are clearly displayed so you can compare them on the spot. Plus, you get an overview of recommended books based on the one you’re looking at.

Plus, Audiobooks Now reviews and ratings can help you decide if the audiobook is the right choice for you. You can also play a sample of the book to familiarize yourself with the audiobook before you buy it.

  • More than 160,000 books available
  • a free app
  • 50% discount on the first title of the month
  • A flexible membership

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